** Simple program to demonstrate regression in SAS **; libname b145 'C:\faiz\sas\sasdata\fall97\bios145'; options pageno=1 ps=55 ls=80; /* Create the dataset one */ data b145.b970903; infile 'c:\faiz\sas\sasdata\fall97\bios145\970903.txt'; input atst age; run; proc print data=b145.b970903; run; /* Simple linear regression for ATST on AGE */ proc reg data=b145.b970903; model atst=age; quit; *-------------------------------------------------------*; ** KKM #8 **; /* Create the dataset one */ data b145.b9709032; infile 'c:\faiz\sas\sasdata\fall97\bios145\9709032.txt'; input sal cgpa; run; proc print data=b145.b9709032; run; /* Simple linear regression for ATST on AGE */ proc reg data=b145.b9709032; model sal=cgpa; quit;