1 The SAS System 14:10 Thursday, February 12, 1998 NOTE: Copyright (c) 1989-1996 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 6.12 TS020 Licensed to UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, Site 0003944001. NOTE: AUTOEXEC processing beginning; file is S:\SAS612\OS2\AUTOEXEC.SAS. NOTE: AUTOEXEC processing completed. 1 %let program= B168-01d; 2 %let folder =B168; 3 title1 '* Bios168 *'; 4 ****************************************************************************** 5 * * 6 * title: * 7 * description: * 8 * programmer: * 9 * date: 02 Jan 1998 * 10 * * 11 ***************************************************************** *************; 12 options nocenter nonumber nodate 13 linesize=65 14 pagesize=110 ; 15 16 %let drive =r:\; 17 *** %let drive =c:\apps\server\done\; 18 19 libname disk604 v604 "&drive.data\marsha"; NOTE: Libref DISK604 was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V604 Physical Name: r:\data\marsha 20 libname disk612 v612 "&drive.data\marsha"; NOTE: Libref DISK612 was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V612 Physical Name: r:\data\marsha 21 22 *================================================================ ====; 23 *--- Specify dataset of measurements --------------------------------; 24 *================================================================ ====; 25 data work.example; 26 input ID wt_gain infant week formula $; datalines; NOTE: The data set WORK.EXAMPLE has 16 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.98 seconds. 43 ;;; 44 45 run; 46 proc print; run; NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 1. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.3 seconds. 47 proc means; run; NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS printed page 2. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS used 0.14 seconds. 48 49 *================================================================ ==============; 50 *--- Specify dataset, model and computation details ---------------------------; 51 *================================================================ ==============; 52 %let ForModel=work.example; /* This SAS dataset contains the data. */ 53 *-----------; 54 data SETUP; input /* This SAS dataset specifies model & details. */ 55 MODEL 1-5 /* Model identification numbers. */ 56 PART $ 7-10 /* Basic parts: Y-vars, X-vars, tests, etc. */ 57 SUB_PART $ 12-28 /* Subcategores of basic parts. */ 58 SPECIFY $ 30-59 /* Label, formula, specification, or option. */ 59 VAR_NAME $ 61-68 /* Names of SAS variables passed to PROC MIXED. */ 60 VALUE 70-75 /* Inclusion indicator, or Linear combination. */ 61 PARAM $ 77-100 /* Initial values, or The SAS System Power analysis parameters. */ 62 LINE_END 101 ; /* Prevents going to new line on input. */ 63 ***** **** ***************** ****************************** ******** ****** ************************ 64 MODEL PART SUB_PART--------- SPECIFY----------------------- VAR_NAME VALUE PARAM( character string) 65 ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;cards; NOTE: The data set WORK.SETUP has 37 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. 103 ;;;;; 104 ***** **** ***************** ****************************** ******** ****** ************************ 105 MODEL PART SUB_PART--------- SPECIFY----------------------- VAR_NAME VALUE PARAM 106 ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; 107 run; 108 proc print; run; NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 3. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.02 seconds. 109 110 *================================================================ =============; 111 *--- Use LM_MACRO ------------------------------------------------------------; 112 *================================================================ =============; 113 114 *================================================================ ==============; 115 *--- First things first -------------------------------------------------------; 116 *================================================================ ==============; 117 %let Setup = on ; * Parse model specifications. (always "on") *; 118 %let MakeDef1 = on ; * Create file defining contrasts. (always "on") *; 119 %let MakeDef2 = off; * Create 2nd optional list of definitions. *; 120 %let Show_Opt = on ; * List options settings in effect. *; 121 %let Hints = off; * Create OPTIONS.OUT message file. *; 122 %let Debug = off; * Debugging macro: extremely (!) verbose output.*; 123 %let Debug_Dr = .\; * Debugging macro: only needed if debug is "on".*; 124 125 *================================================================ ==============; 126 *--- Options for fitting models -----------------------------------------------; 127 *================================================================ ==============; 128 %let Gen_Code = on ; * Write PROC MIXED source code. *; 129 %let Fit_Mods = on ; * Fit model(s) and print tables for each. *; 130 %let Show_Fit = on ; * Want to see PROC MIXED printout in *.LST ? *; 131 %let Details = off; * Print tables in alternative detailed format. *; 132 %let Save_Var = on ; * Save and output var-cov parameter estimates. *; 133 %let CompVars = off; * Print tables to compare Y-vars for given model*; 134 %let CompMods = off; * Print tables to cmpare models for given Y-var.*; 135 %let Comp_All = off; * Print tables to compare all side-by-side. *; 136 %let AntiLogs = off; * Print tables of anti-logs of estimates. *; 137 %let Resids = on ; * Create WORK.RESIDS dataset. *; 138 %let Resid_An = on ; * Print a univariate examination of residuals. *; 139 %let BLUPS = on ; * Create WORK.BLUPS dataset. *; 140 %let BLUPS_An = on ; * Print a univariate examination of BLUPs. *; 141 %let Beta_Var = on ; * Create dataset of covariance matrix of BetaHat*; 142 %let DDFMmeth = residual; * Degrees of freedom method: "contain" (default)*; 143 * "residual" *; 144 * The SAS System "satterthwaite" *; 145 %let Mix_Opts = MaxIter=1000 Method=REML Scoring=500; *; 146 147 *================================================================ ==============; 148 *--- Options for power analysis -----------------------------------------------; 149 *================================================================ ==============; 150 %let Power_An = off; * Perform power analysis computations. *; 151 %let Show_IML = off; * Want to see PROC IML printout in *.LST ? *; 152 %let _Alpha =.01; * Power analyis significance level. *; 153 154 *================================================================ ==============; 155 *--- Options for formating output ---------------------------------------------; 156 *================================================================ ==============; 157 %let layout = Portrait ; * printer codes in first line of output files *; 158 %let Compress = on; * remove blank lines in text of output files *; 159 %let _FigNum_ = 0; * first figure number to use *; 160 %let FigWidth = 40; * width of conf.interval graphics *; 161 %let FieldGap = 1; * # of spaces between field labels *; 162 options LineSize = 132; * Make (FigWidth + 70) < LineSize *; 163 164 165 *==============================================================================; 166 *--- Required: file references for output files -------------------------------; 167 *==============================================================================; 168 169 filename COMPARE "&drive.&PROGRAM..YYY"; * Side by side model comparisons *; 170 filename TABLES "&drive.&PROGRAM..TAB"; * Results for individual models *; 171 filename DTAILTAB "&drive.&PROGRAM..DET"; * Detailed Tables *; 172 filename POWER_AN "&drive.&PROGRAM..POW"; * Power Analysis results *; 173 filename ANTILOGS "&drive.&PROGRAM..ANT"; * Tables in Anti-Log scale *; 174 filename RESID_AN "&drive.&PROGRAM..RES"; * Analysis of residuals *; 175 filename BLUPS_AN "&drive.&PROGRAM..BLP"; * Best Linear Unbiased Estimators *; 176 filename DEFINE1 "&drive.&PROGRAM..DF1"; * Appendix 1.1: define contrasts *; 177 filename DEFINE2 "&drive.&PROGRAM..DF2"; * Appendix 1.2: alternate definitions; 178 filename SAS_CODE "&drive.&PROGRAM..MIX"; * Appendix 2.0: proc mixed code *; 179 filename POW_CODE "&drive.&PROGRAM..IML"; * Appendix 3.0: proc iml power code *; 180 filename SAVE_VAR "&drive.&PROGRAM..TAU"; * ascii file for variance parameters*; 181 182 *==============================================================================; 183 *--- Access and invoke the macro code ----------------------------------------*; 184 *==============================================================================; 185 filename LM_MACRO "&drive.LM_MACRO.sas"; 186 %include LM_MACRO; 11977 %LM_MACRO; NOTE: The data set WORK.__TEMP__ has 1 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.19 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.__TEMP__ has 38 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.SETUP has 38 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 9 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.19 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 35 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 35 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: (Line):(Column). 11977:77 NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 33 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 21 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMS has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.UPDATA has 22 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.Y_NAMES has 2 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.LABELS has 24 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 1.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Y_NAMES has 2 observations and 2 variables. The SAS System NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 21 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 21 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 21 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 21 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 2 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 16. The maximum record length was 26. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 17 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASSES has 17 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 LAST_OBS=0 _GROUP_= XVAR=CONSTANT COUNT=3 FIRST.XVAR=1 LAST.XVAR=1 F=0 W=0 C=4 __D_=0 CVARLIST=F W C __D_ I=5 STEM=__D_ A_NUMBER=. TRIMMED=CONSTANT L_TRIM=8 L_STEM=4 PREFIX=CONS SAME=0 L=7 SUFFIX=ONSTANT _ERROR_=1 _N_=5 LAST_OBS=0 _GROUP_= XVAR=__D__X1_ COUNT=4 FIRST.XVAR=1 LAST.XVAR=1 F=4 W=4 C=4 __D_=1 CVARLIST=F W C __D_ I=5 STEM=__D_ A_NUMBER=. TRIMMED=__D__X1_ L_TRIM=8 L_STEM=4 PREFIX=__D_ SAME=0 L=4 SUFFIX=_X1_ _ERROR_=1 _N_=16 LAST_OBS=1 _GROUP_= XVAR=__D__Z__ COUNT=4 FIRST.XVAR=1 LAST.XVAR=1 F=4 W=4 C=4 __D_=1 CVARLIST=F W C __D_ I=5 STEM=__D_ A_NUMBER=. TRIMMED=__D__Z__ L_TRIM=8 L_STEM=4 PREFIX=__D_ SAME=0 L=4 SUFFIX=_Z__ _ERROR_=1 _N_=17 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 25. The maximum record length was 25. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.LABELS has 24 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.LABELS has 24 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.LABELS has 24 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 28 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 26. The maximum record length was 48. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: Format $NAMEFMT has been output. NOTE: The PROCEDURE FORMAT used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMS has 1 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMS has 1 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMS has 1 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMS has 1 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.23 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 2 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 15. The maximum record length was 24. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 17. The maximum record length was 17. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UPDATA has 22 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UPDATA has 22 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UPDATA has 22 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UPDATA has 22 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS printed page 4. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS used 0.0 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 42 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 8. The maximum record length was 37. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EXAMPLE has 16 observations and 27 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS printed page 5. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.M_CODE_T has 3 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE TRANSPOSE used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 3 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 17. The maximum record length was 24. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 3 variables. The SAS System NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.Z_RANGES has 1 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RANGES_T has 4 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE TRANSPOSE used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 4 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 16. The maximum record length was 24. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 33 observations and 14 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by: (Line):(Column). 12060:37 NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 22 at 12060:35 NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 29 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 5 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.PARMS has 4 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.25 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 29 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 5 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.01 seconds. WARNING: The variable _NONE_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_0 has 8 observations and 28 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE TRANSPOSE used 0.07 seconds. WARNING: The variable _NONE_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE TRANSPOSE used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.LOOP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.23 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 24. The maximum record length was 24. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, The SAS System RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 3 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 13. The maximum record length was 14. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 21. The maximum record length was 21. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 24. The maximum record length was 24. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 21. The maximum record length was 21. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 4 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 7. The maximum record length was 20. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 2 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 16. The maximum record length was 18. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 3 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 18. The maximum record length was 58. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.69 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_1 has 13 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.81 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DONE has 6 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.TODO has 6 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.LOOP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.28 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TODO has 6 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 191 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 10. The maximum record length was 60. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 12 at 12076:226 12 at 12076:232 12 at 12076:14 12 at 12076:20 12 at 12076:60 12 at 12076:66 NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.55 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EXPANDED has 16 observations and 28 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EXPANDED has 16 observations and 28 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FILTERED has 16 observations and 29 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FILTERED has 16 observations and 29 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DELETED has 16 observations and 29 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DELETED has 16 observations and 29 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: 0 lines were written to file PRINT. NOTE: The data set WORK.DIFFNAME has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.34 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DIFFNAME has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DEF_ID has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.DEF_ID has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.05 seconds. -----Directory----- Libref: WORK Engine: V612 Physical Name: C:\TEMP\SASWORK\#TD00782 # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 CLASSES DATA 2 DEF_ID DATA 3 DELETED DATA 4 DIFFNAME DATA 5 DONE DATA 6 EXAMPLE DATA 7 EXPANDED DATA 8 FILTERED DATA 9 FORMS DATA 10 LABELS DATA 11 LOOP DATA 12 M_CODES DATA 13 M_CODE_T DATA 14 PARMS DATA 15 RANGES_T DATA 16 SETUP DATA 17 TEMP DATA 18 TODO DATA The SAS System # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 19 UPDATA DATA 20 Y_NAMES DATA 21 Z_RANGES DATA 22 _SETUP_0 DATA 23 _SETUP_1 DATA 24 __TEMP__ DATA NOTE: Deleting WORK._SETUP_0 (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.EXPANDED (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.CLASSES (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.FORMS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.M_CODES (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.M_CODE_T (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.TODO (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.DELETED (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.DIFFNAME (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.LABELS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.UPDATA (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.Z_RANGES (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.RANGES_T (memtype=DATA). NOTE: The PROCEDURE DATASETS used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 844 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 10. The maximum record length was 60. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 49 at 12267:128 49 at 12267:134 49 at 12267:162 49 at 12267:168 49 at 12267:186 49 at 12267:192 NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.61 seconds. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 13 at 12322:34 13 at 12322:43 2 at 12372:34 2 at 12372:43 2 at 12422:34 2 at 12422:43 2 at 12472:34 2 at 12472:43 2 at 12522:34 2 at 12522:43 8 at 12572:34 8 at 12572:43 4 at 12626:34 4 at 12626:43 4 at 12679:34 4 at 12679:43 4 at 12732:34 4 at 12732:43 4 at 12785:34 4 at 12785:43 4 at 12838:34 4 at 12838:43 4 at 12891:34 4 at 12891:43 4 at 12944:34 4 at 12944:43 4 at 12997:34 4 at 12997:43 4 at 13050:34 4 at 13050:43 1 at 13099:23 1 at 13099:31 16 at 13101:34 16 at 13101:43 NOTE: The data set WORK.WEIGHTED has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.38 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.WEIGHTED has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NAMED has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.29 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NAMED has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UNIQUE has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.DUPLICAT has 0 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.35 seconds. NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.DUPLICAT. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.UNIQUE has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.WTED_AVE has 16 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.WTED_AVE has 16 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.04 seconds. -----Directory----- Libref: WORK Engine: V612 Physical Name: C:\TEMP\SASWORK\#TD00782 # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 DEF_ID DATA 2 DONE DATA 3 DUPLICAT DATA 4 EXAMPLE DATA 5 FILTERED DATA 6 FORMATS CATALOG The SAS System # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 7 LOOP DATA 8 NAMED DATA 9 PARMS DATA 10 SASMACR CATALOG 11 SETUP DATA 12 TEMP DATA 13 UNIQUE DATA 14 WEIGHTED DATA 15 WTED_AVE DATA 16 Y_NAMES DATA 17 _SETUP_1 DATA 18 __TEMP__ DATA NOTE: The PROCEDURE DATASETS used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 87 at 13111:23 NOTE: The data set WORK._ROUN_D_ has 15 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._ROUN_D_ has 15 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The file DEFINE1 is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.DF1, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 73 records were written to the file DEFINE1. The minimum record length was 6. The maximum record length was 65. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 12 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 3 at 13111:21 NOTE: The DATA statement used 1.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.READY has 21 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.READY has 21 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FILTERED has 21 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.READY has 21 observations and 32 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.LOOP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 7 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 34. The maximum record length was 40. NOTE: The data set WORK.PUT_LOOP has 1 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 33 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 33 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 33 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.GROUPING has 12 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 33 variables. The SAS System NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 37 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.ALT_NAME has 0 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.26 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_2 has 21 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ALT_NAME has 0 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BANDS_ID has 0 observations and 20 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.BANDS_ID has 0 observations and 20 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BANDS_ID has 0 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.BANDS_ID has 0 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: Format $_NAME_F has been output. NOTE: Format _N_FMT has been output. NOTE: The PROCEDURE FORMAT used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_3 has 26 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK._NEW_ID_ has 3 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.26 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._NEW_ID_ has 3 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._NEW_ID_ has 2 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_3 has 28 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_3 has 28 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_3 has 27 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK._SETUP_3 has 27 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESULTS has 1 observations and 0 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDS has 1 observations and 0 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.08 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK.BLUPS has 1 observations and 0 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The file SAS_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.MIX, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 212 records were written to the file SAS_CODE. The minimum record length was 11. The maximum record length was 79. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 11 at 13118:68 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 11 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:68 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 3 at 13118:33 NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.79 seconds. -----Directory----- Libref: WORK Engine: V612 Physical Name: C:\TEMP\SASWORK\#TD00782 # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 ALT_NAME DATA 2 BANDS_ID DATA 3 BLUPS DATA 4 DEF_ID DATA 5 DONE DATA 6 DUPLICAT DATA 7 EXAMPLE DATA 8 FILTERED DATA 9 GROUPING DATA 10 LOOP DATA 11 NAMED DATA 12 PARMS DATA 13 PUT_LOOP DATA 14 READY DATA 15 RESIDS DATA 16 RESULTS DATA 17 SETUP DATA 18 TEMP DATA 19 UNIQUE DATA 20 WEIGHTED DATA 21 WTED_AVE DATA 22 Y_NAMES DATA 23 _NEW_ID_ DATA 24 _ROUN_D_ DATA 25 _SETUP_1 DATA 26 _SETUP_2 DATA 27 _SETUP_3 DATA 28 __TEMP__ DATA NOTE: Deleting WORK._SETUP_1 (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.DONE (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.DUPLICAT (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.FILTERED (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.DEF_ID (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.NAMED (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK._SETUP_2 (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.LOOP (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.UNIQUE (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.WEIGHTED (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.READY (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.PARMS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK._NEW_ID_ (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.TEMP (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.PUT_LOOP (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.WTED_AVE (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK._ROUN_D_ (memtype=DATA). NOTE: The PROCEDURE DATASETS used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The file TABLES is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAB, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file TABLES. The minimum record length was 50. The maximum record length was 50. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file RESID_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.RES, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file RESID_AN. The minimum record length was 50. The maximum record length was 50. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file BLUPS_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.BLP, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file BLUPS_AN. The SAS System The minimum record length was 50. The maximum record length was 50. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.WT_GAIN has 1 observations and 0 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.F_NAMES has 0 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.4 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.GROUPS has 12 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.SPECS has 5 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FIELDS has 2 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.IN_MODEL has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.IN_MODEL has 16 observations and 30 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.SOMESPEC has 1 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.SOMESPEC has 6 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 6. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file ".\B168-01d.tmp" is: FILENAME=H:\CPUSERVC\$RUNNING\B168-01d.tmp, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 48 records were written to the file ".\B168-01d.tmp". The minimum record length was 9. The maximum record length was 61. NOTE: The data set WORK.NULL has 6 observations and 38 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.26 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ON_MODEL has 48 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ON_MODEL has 48 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BY_LIST has 24 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BY_LIST has 24 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.N_LIST has 6 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.SPECS has 5 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.N_SPECS has 5 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.1 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_VAR has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CONTRAST has 1 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 1 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 1 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FITTING has 1 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDUAL has 1 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTBLUPS has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. WARNING: Final hessian is not positive definite. WARNING: The variable _SUBJECT in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable _GROUP in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable _T_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable _ALPHA_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable _LOWER_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable _UPPER_ in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. NOTE: The data set WORK.FITTING has 5 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 4 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_VAR has 4 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 3 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 11 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.CONTRAST has 1 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDUAL has 16 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTBLUPS has 20 observations and 11 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MIXED printed pages 7-8. NOTE: The PROCEDURE MIXED used 2.52 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTBLUPS has 20 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.19 seconds. NOTE: The file RES_CODE is: FILENAME=H:\CPUSERVC\$RUNNING\B168-01d.eqn, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 9 records were written to the file RES_CODE. The minimum record length was 9. The maximum record length was 34. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESID2 has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDUAL has 16 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESID2 has 16 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDUAL has 16 observations and 41 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.N_SPECS has 5 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDUAL has 16 observations and 49 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDS has 16 observations and 49 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.19 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTBLUPS has 20 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BLUPS has 20 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.FITTING has 5 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_VAR has 4 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 4 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.AUGMENT has 13 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.13 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 4 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.AUGMENT has 13 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 14 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.23 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 14 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 14 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 14 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 5 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BETA_HAT has 5 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 3 observations and 11 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVLABEL has 0 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVLABEL has 0 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 3 observations and 11 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 3 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.COVPARMS has 3 observations and 16 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK.CONTRAST has 1 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.CONTRAST has 1 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 11 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 11 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST has 11 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST has 11 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.23 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_AVER has 5 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_DIFF has 6 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_AVER has 5 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.23 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_DIFF has 6 observations and 12 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_AVER has 9 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.19 seconds. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST_DIFF has 10 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 21 observations and 16 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.ESTIMATE has 21 observations and 16 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_BAND has 0 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST has 21 observations and 34 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.EST has 21 observations and 33 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 35 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.F_NAMES has 0 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.0 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The data set WORK.F_NAMES has 0 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is empty. NOTE: The data set WORK.F_NAMES has 0 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_NAME has 35 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.2 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_NAME has 35 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_NAME has 35 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.17 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.GROUPS has 12 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 37 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 37 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 37 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 35 observations and 37 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 43 observations and 39 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.11 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 43 observations and 39 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.16 seconds. WARNING: The variable PARM in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. NOTE: The data set WORK.WT_GAIN has 44 observations and 20 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. WARNING: The variable PARM in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. WARNING: The variable PARM in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced. NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 1 at 13384:102 NOTE: The data set WORK.RESULTS has 43 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.NOMODEL has 1 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.26 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 43 observations and 39 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 9. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.0 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 10. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 43 observations and 39 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. The SAS System NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 11. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW has 43 observations and 39 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 12. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 13. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: No observations were selected from data set WORK.NEW. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 14. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.0 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.RESIDS has 16 observations and 49 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: Formatted values of BY variable MODEL truncated to 8 characters in side-by-side box plots. NOTE: No observations were selected from data set WORK.RESIDS. NOTE: The PROCEDURE UNIVARIATE used 0.32 seconds. NOTE: Formatted values of BY variable MODEL truncated to 8 characters in side-by-side box plots. NOTE: The PROCEDURE UNIVARIATE printed pages 15-20. NOTE: The PROCEDURE UNIVARIATE used 0.25 seconds. NOTE: No observations were selected from data set WORK.RESIDS. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PLOT used 0.1 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PLOT printed pages 21-29. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PLOT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.0 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.BLUPS has 20 observations and 23 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: Formatted values of BY variable MODEL truncated to 8 characters in side-by-side box plots. NOTE: Formatted values of BY variable PARM truncated to 8 characters in side-by-side box plots. NOTE: The PROCEDURE UNIVARIATE printed pages 30-32. NOTE: The PROCEDURE UNIVARIATE used 0.32 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.01 seconds. NOTE: The infile TABLES is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAB, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 661 records were read from the infile TABLES. The minimum record length was 0. The maximum record length was 131. NOTE: The data set WORK._TAB_IN_ has 661 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The file TABLES is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAB, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 170 records were written to the file TABLES. The SAS System The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 131. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.08 seconds. NOTE: The infile RESID_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.RES, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1651 records were read from the infile RESID_AN. The minimum record length was 0. The maximum record length was 123. NOTE: The data set WORK._TAB_IN_ has 1651 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.23 seconds. NOTE: The file RESID_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.RES, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1221 records were written to the file RESID_AN. The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 123. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The infile BLUPS_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.BLP, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 331 records were read from the infile BLUPS_AN. The minimum record length was 0. The maximum record length was 70. NOTE: The data set WORK._TAB_IN_ has 331 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: The file BLUPS_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.BLP, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 216 records were written to the file BLUPS_AN. The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 70. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 seconds. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINTTO used 0.0 seconds. -----Directory----- Libref: WORK Engine: V612 Physical Name: C:\TEMP\SASWORK\#TD00782 # Name Memtype Indexes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 ALT_NAME DATA 2 AUGMENT DATA 3 BANDS_ID DATA 4 BETA_HAT DATA 5 BETA_VAR DATA 6 BLUPS DATA 7 BY_LIST DATA 8 CONTRAST DATA 9 COVLABEL DATA 10 COVPARMS DATA 11 EST DATA 12 ESTBLUPS DATA 13 ESTIMATE DATA 14 EST_AVER DATA 15 EST_DIFF DATA 16 EXAMPLE DATA 17 FIELDS DATA 18 FITTING DATA 19 F_NAMES DATA 20 GROUPING DATA 21 GROUPS DATA 22 IN_MODEL DATA 23 NEW DATA 24 NEW_BAND DATA 25 NEW_NAME DATA 26 NOMODEL DATA 27 NULL DATA 28 N_LIST DATA 29 N_SPECS DATA 30 ON_MODEL DATA 31 RESID2 DATA 32 RESIDS DATA 33 RESIDUAL DATA 34 RESULTS DATA 35 SETUP DATA 36 SOMESPEC DATA 37 SPECS DATA 38 WT_GAIN DATA 39 Y_NAMES DATA 40 _SETUP_3 DATA 41 _TAB_IN_ DATA 42 __TEMP__ DATA NOTE: Deleting WORK.ALT_NAME (memtype=DATA). The SAS System NOTE: Deleting WORK.AUGMENT (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.BANDS_ID (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.BY_LIST (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.ESTBLUPS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.EST_AVER (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.EST_DIFF (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.FIELDS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.FITTING (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.F_NAMES (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.GROUPING (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.GROUPS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.NEW (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.NEW_BAND (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.NEW_NAME (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.NOMODEL (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.SPECS (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK.Y_NAMES (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK._TAB_IN_ (memtype=DATA). NOTE: The PROCEDURE DATASETS used 0.07 seconds. NOTE: 31 lines were written to file PRINT. NOTE: The DATASTEP printed page 33. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 3 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: The PROCEDURE SORT used 0.14 seconds. NOTE: The file SAVE_VAR is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAU, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 11 records were written to the file SAVE_VAR. The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 101. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.16 seconds. NOTE: The file SAVE_VAR is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAU, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 12 records were written to the file SAVE_VAR. The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 104. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.04 seconds. NOTE: The file SAVE_VAR is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.TAU, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 14 records were written to the file SAVE_VAR. The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 102. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file POWER_AN is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.POW, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file POWER_AN. The minimum record length was 46. The maximum record length was 46. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. NOTE: The file POW_CODE is: FILENAME=r:\B168-01d.IML, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file POW_CODE. The minimum record length was 46. The maximum record length was 46. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 seconds. 13388 13389 *===================================================================== =========; 13390 *--- work.RESULTS and other datasets are now available -----------------------*; 13391 *===================================================================== =========; NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414