TITLE1 "EXAMPLEA01.SAS--Two sample T-test"; ***************************************************************; * Perform power calculations for a two sample T test, ; * replicating the results in "Increasing scientific power with ; * statistical power", by K.E. Muller and V.A. Benignus, ; * Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol 14, May-June, 1992 ; * The code reports power for a limited number of predicted ; * differences in means, compared to the number of values ; * needed for plotting. Code for plot is in ExampleA02.sas ; ***************************************************************; PROC IML SYMSIZE=1000 WORKSIZE=2000; %INCLUDE "..\IML\POWERLIB202.IML"/NOSOURCE2; * Define inputs to power program; SIGMA = {1}; SIGSCAL= {0.32 1.00 2.05}; ESSENCEX = I(2); REPN = { 10 }; BETA = {0 1}`; BETASCAL = DO(0,2.5,0.5); C = {1 -1}; OPT_OFF= {C U}; RUN POWER;