The following are descriptions of the SAS programs included in the EXAMPLES folder: TITLE1 "EXAMPLEA01.SAS--Two sample T-test"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEA02.SAS--Two sample T-test Plot"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEB01.SAS--Paired T-test"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEB02.SAS--Paired T-test using Difference Scores"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEC01.SAS--power for Time by Treatment Interaction"; TITLE2 "Compares power of tests when SIGMA most favorable to UN"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLED01.SAS--Power Confidence Limit due to varhat"; TITLE2 "Figure 1 Taylor and Muller, 1995, Amer Statistician, 49, p43-47"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEE01.SAS--Power as a fct of Sample Size and Mean Dif"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEF01.SAS--Illustrate use of the UPOLY1 module"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEG01.SAS--direct programming of 2 types of contrasts"; TITLE2 "factorial design, repeated measures: A, B, C between, D, E, F within"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEG02.SAS--UPOLY3 for contrasts"; TITLE2 "factorial design, repeated measures: A, B, C between, D, E, F within"; TITLE1 "EXAMPLEH01.SAS-two within factors, UPOLY2, no between, vary SIGMA"; TITLE2 "From Coffey C.S. and Muller K.E. (2003) Properties of "; TITLE3 "internal pilots with the univariate approach to repeated measures"; TITLE4 "Statistics in Medicine, 22(15), in press.";