„¦BASIC MPH WRITTEN EXAMINATION IN BIOSTATISTICSÈ ¦PART IÈ ¦MAY 12, 1994: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PMÈ ‚INSTRUCTIONS:ƒ a)™This is a ‚open bookƒ examination. b)™Answer any ‚twoƒ questions during the three-hour time period. c)™Put the answers to different questions on separate sets of paper. d)™Put your code letter, ‚not ƒyour name, on each page. e)™Return the examination with a signed statement of the honor pledge on a ™page separate from your answers. f)™You are required to answer only what is asked in the questions, not to tell all you ™ ™know about the topics.… þì1.™Let X¬1È, X¬2È, ..., X¬nÈ be a random sample from a N(Ûm;, 1) population. Suppose that it ™ ™is desired to test H¬0È: Ûm; = 0 versus H¬1È: Ûm; = Ûm;¬1È > 0, where Ûm;¬1È is a known positive ™ ™number. 4 pts.™™ a)™ ™Show that the most powerful test of size Ûa; for testing H¬0È versus H¬1È ™ þì™™ ™involves a rejection region R of the form ™™ ™™¦R = {Xµ_È : Xµ_È Û;2 k¬1Û,2Ûa;È} ,È ™™ ™where Xµ_È = º1ÂnË ÛS;µnȶi=1È X¬iÈ and where k¬1Û,2Ûa;È is chosen so that ™™ ™ pr(Xµ_È Û;2 k¬1Û,2Ûa;È Û|8 H¬0È) = Ûa;. þì 4 pts.™™ b)™ ™For Ûa; = 0.025, what is the value of k¬.975È when n = 100 ? 2 pts.™™ ™ c)™™ ™Is the test developed in part (a) a uniformly most powerful (UMP) test ™™ ™of size Ûa; ? 7 pts.™™ d)™Suppose that we decide to reject H¬0È when Xµ_È Û;2 0.80. ™™ ™What is the „power… of this test when Ûm;¬1È = 1 and n = 25 ? 8 pts.™™ e)™As in part (d), again suppose that we decide to reject H¬0È when Xµ_È Û;2 ™™ ™0.80. What is the minimum sample size required to insure that we ™™ ™reject H¬0È: Ûm; = 0 with a probability of at least 0.975 when, ™™ ™in fact, Ûm;¬1È = 1 ? 2.™Suppose that the height X (in inches) for adult males in the United States is ™assumed to be a N(70, 16) random variable, and that the height Y (in inches) for ™United States adult females is assumed to have a N(65, 9) distribution. ™Assume that males and females are paired randomly without regard to height. 5 pts.™™ a)™In what proportion of pairs will there be a height difference of at least ™™ ™six inches ? 5 pts.™™ b)™What is the probability that the male in a pair will be taller than the ™™ ™female ? 5 pts.™™ c)™If the male and female heights for a pair differ by more than six inches, ™™ ™what is the probability that the male is taller? 10 pts.™™ d)™Now, suppose that X Û[2N(Ûm;¬mÈ, 16) and that Y Û[2N(Ûm;¬fÈ, 9), ™™ ™ where Ûm;¬mÈ and Ûm;¬fÈ are „unknown… parameters. It is desired to make a ™™ ™statistical inference about the unknown population mean height ™™ ™difference (Ûm;¬mÈ Û,2 Ûm;¬fÈ). Let X¬1È, X¬2È, ..., X¬nÈ and Y¬1È, Y¬2È, ..., Y¬nÈ ™™ ™constitute random samples of size n from each of these two normal ™™ ™populations. Let Xµ_È = n«-1È ÛS;µnȶi=1ÈX¬iÈ and Yµ_È = ÛS;µnȶi=1ÈY¬iÈ. ™™ ™Find two random variables A and B, which are to be functions ™™ ™ of (Xµ_È Û,2 Yµ_È) and V(Xµ_È Û,2 Yµ_È), such that ™™ ™™™pr{A < (Ûm;¬mÈ Û,2 Ûm;¬fÈ) < B} = 0.90 . 3.™Suppose that we have obtained a sample of n pairs of observations (X¬1È, Y¬1È), ™(X¬2È, Y¬2È), ..., (X¬nÈ,Y¬nÈ). Suppose we are interested in the simple linear relationship: ™™ Y¬iÈ = Ûh;¬0È + Ûh;¬1ÈX¬iÈ + Ûe;¬iÈ , i = 1, 2, ..., n, ™where ™™ E(Ûe;¬iÈ) = 0, i = 1, 2, ..., n ™™ Var(Ûe;¬iÈ) = Ûs;«2È, i = 1, 2, ..., n ™™ Cov (Ûe;¬iÈ, Ûe;¬jÈ) = 0, 1 Û:2 i < j Û:2 n ™™ X¬iÈ's are known, fixed constants 5 pts.™™ a)™The least squares estimators of Ûh;¬0È and Ûh;¬1È are defined to be the values of þì™™ ™Ûh;¬0È and Ûh;¬1È which minimize the following: ™™ ™™ÛS;µnȶi=1È (Y¬iÈ Û,2 Ûh;¬0È Û,2Ûh;¬1ÈX¬iÈ)«2È . þì™™ ™Derive expressions for the least squares estimators of Ûh;¬0È and Ûh;¬1È. Be ™™ ™careful to show all work. 10 pts.™™ b)™Show whether or not the least squares estimators derived in (a) are ™™ ™unbiased estimators of Ûh;¬0È and Ûh;¬1È. Be careful to show all work. 5 pts.™™ c)™Derive the variance of the least squares estimator of Ûh;¬1È. 5 pts.™™ d)™Suppose Ûe;¬iÈ Û[2 N(0, Ûs;«2È). Using (c), explain how you would test: ™™ ™™H¬0È: Ûh;¬1È = 0 vs H¬AÈ: Ûh;¬1È ÛW20 ™™ ™Carefully state all assumptions. ™™