¦„SPECIAL MS WRITTEN EXAMINATION IN BIOSTATISTICSÈ… ¦„PART I…È ¦May 12, 1995: 9:00 a.m. Û,2 1:00 p.m.È ‚INSTRUCTIONS:ƒ þì™a)™ This is an ‚closed bookƒ examination. ™b)™ Answer any ‚threeƒ questions. ™c)™ Put the answers to different questions on separate sets of paper. ™d)™ Put your „CODE LETTER…, ‚not your nameƒ, on each page. ™e)™ Return the examination with a signed statement of the honor pledge on a page separate ™ ™™ from your answers. ™f)™ You are required to answer „only what is asked… in the questions,„ not …‚all you know about the ™ ™™ topicsƒ. þèQuestion 1. þì™Consider stratified simple random (without replacement) sampling from a population of size N that has been divided into H strata, each containing N¬hÈ population members, such that N = Û 0µHȶh=1È N¬hÈ. The sample is sued to estimate the proportion, P = Û 0µHȶh=1È W¬hÈP¬hÈ , of population members that possess þìsome attribute, where W¬hÈ = N¬hÈ/N and P¬hÈ is the proportion of the members of the h-th stratum who possess the same attribute. A point estimate of P is obtained using, ™P¬woÈ = Û 0µHȶh=1È W¬hÈp¬hÈ , where p¬hÈ is the proportion of the sample in the h-th stratum that possess the same attribute. a)™Show that the variance of the sampling distribution of p can be written as, ™Var(p¬woÈ) = Û 0µHȶh=1È W«Û27ɬhÈ ºN¬hÈÛ,2n¬hÈÂN¬hÈÛ,2Û18Ë ºP¬hÈÛ(8Û18Û,2 P¬hÈÛ)8Ân¬hÈË , ™where n¬hÈ is the sample size in the h-th stratum, such that n = Û 0µHȶh=1È n¬hÈ . b)™If proportionate allocation is used for this sample, show that this variance becomes ™Var(p¬woÈ) = ºÛ18Û,2fÂn«Û27ÈË Û 0µHȶh=1È ºn¬hÈN¬hÈÂN¬hÈÛ,2Û18Ë P¬hÈ(1Û,2P¬hÈ) c)™Show that the ratio (Ût;), defined as the variance of p¬woÈ assuming the proportionately stratified þîsample above divided by the variance of the sample proportion, p, under an unstratified simple random (without replacement) sample, can be written as, Ût; = ºÛ 0µHȶh=1È W¬hÈ ºN¬hÈÂN¬hÈÛ,2Û18Ë P¬hÈ(1Û,2P¬hÈ)ºNÂNÛ,2Û18Ë P(1Û,2P )Ë þîPoints:™™ ™a) 9,™b) 8,™c) 8. Question 2. ™For a certain manufacturing process the random variable Y¬xÈ (the amount in kilograms manufactured per day) has mean E(Y¬xÈ) = Ûa; x + Ûb; x«Û27È and variance V(Y¬xÈ) = Ûs;«Û27È, where x is the „‚known…ƒ amount of raw material in kilograms used per day in the manufacturing process. The n ‚mutually independentƒ data pairs (x, Y¬xÈ), x = 1, 2, ..., n, are available to estimate the unknown parameters of interest. Thus, Y¬Û17È, Y¬Û27È, ..., Y¬nÈ are a set of n ‚mutually independentƒ random variables. Further, let S¬kÈ = Û 0µnȶx=1Èx«kÈ, k = 1, 2, 3, ...; again, note that the S¬kÈ's are non-stochastic quantities with ‚„knownƒ… values. a)™Derive ‚explicit expressionsƒ for the ‚unweighted least squaresƒ estimators Ûa;µÛ^8È and Ûb;µÛ^8È of the unknown þîparameters Ûa; and Ûb;. þîb)™Derive ‚explicit expressionsƒ for E(Ûb;µÛ^8È) and V(Ûb;µÛ^8È), the mean and variance of Ûb;µÛ^8È. c)™If Y¬xÈ Û[2 N(Ûa; x + Ûb; x«Û27È, Ûs;«Û27È), x = 1, 2, ..., n, with the Y¬xÈ's being mutually independent random þîvariables, compute an „‚exactƒ… 95% confidence interval for Ûb; if n = 4, Ûb;µÛ^8È = 2, and Ûs;«Û27È = 1. þî Points: ™™ a) 8,™b) 8,™c) 9.™™ þèQuestion 3. ™Let X¬Û17È, X¬Û27È, ..., X¬nÈ be a random sample from a N(Ûm;, 1) population. Suppose that it is desired to test H¬Û07È: Ûm; = 0 versus H¬Û17È: Ûm; = Ûm;¬Û17È > 0, where Ûm;¬Û17È is a known positive number. a)™Show that the most powerful test of size Ûa; for testing H¬Û07È versus H¬Û17È involves a rejection region R þîof the form ™™ ™™™™™#R = { XµÛ,2È : XµÛ,2È Û;2 k¬Û17Û,2Ûa;È| H¬Û07È} = Ûa;. þîb)™For Ûa; = 0.025, what is the value of k¬Û.8Û97Û77Û57È when n = 100? c)™Is the test developed in part (a) a uniformly most powerful (UMP) test of size Ûa;? d)™Suppose that we decide to reject H¬Û07È when XµÛ,2È Û;2 0.80. What is the ‚„ƒpower… of this test when þîÛm;¬Û17È = 1 and n = 25? þîe)™As in part (d), again suppose that we decide to reject H¬Û07È when XµÛ,2È Û;2 0.80. What is the þîminimum sample size required to insure that we reject H¬Û07È: Ûm; = 0 with a probability of at least 0.975 when, in fact, Ûm;¬Û17È = 1? þî Points:™™ a) 5,™b) 5,™c) 5, ™d) 5,™e) 5. þèQuestion 4. Let Y¬Û17È, Y¬Û27È, ..., Y¬nÈ constitute a random sample of size n (Û;2 2) from a N(Ûm;, Ûs;«Û27È) population. a)™If Ûs;«Û27È is ‚knownƒ to be equal to 1, what is the ‚minimumƒ sample size n«Û*8È required so that ™™ ™pr { | YµÛ,2ÈÛ,2Ûm; | < 0.20} Û;2 0.95, ™where YµÛ,2È= n«Û,2Û17È Û!0µnȶi=1È Y¬iÈ ? b)™Consider using YµÛ,2È to test H¬OÈ: Ûm; = 0 versus H¬AÈ: Ûm; > 0 when Ûa; = 0.025. If Ûs;«Û27È is ‚knownƒ to be þîequal to 1, what is the ‚minimumƒ sample size n«Û*8È required to that the probability of a Type II error is no more than 0.16 when Ûm; = 0.50? þîc)™Let S«Û27È = (nÛ,21)«Û,2Û17È Û!0µnȶi=1È (Y¬iÈÛ,2YµÛ,2È)«Û27È . If ™™ ™k = ¤ºnÛ,2Û18Û)8ÂÛ28ËÕ ºÛG;Û(8ºnÛ,2Û18ÂÛ28Ë)ÂÛG;Û(8ºnÂÛ28Ë)Ë , ™prove that the estimator Ûs;µÛ^8È = kS is an unbiased estimator of Ûs;. Points:™™ a) 9,™b) 9,™c) 7.