¦„SPECIAL MS WRITTEN EXAMINATION IN BIOSTATISTICSÈ…… ¦PART IIÈ ¦October 2, 1992: 1 PM to 5 PMÈ ‚INSTRUCTIONSƒ: þì™a)™ This is an ‚OPEN BOOKƒ examination. ™ ™b)™ Put the answers to different questions on separate sets of papers. ™c)™ Put your code letter, ‚notƒ your name, on each page. ™d)™ Return the examination with a signed statement of the honor pledge on a page separate ™™ from your answers. ™e)™ You are required to answer ‚ONLY WHAT IS ASKEDƒ in the questions and ‚NOT ALL ™™ YOU KNOWƒ about the topics. ‚Question 1ƒ þìThis problem is based on the contingency table shown below, which is from a randomized study to compare two treatments for controlling the extent of a respiratory disorder. ™™ Baseline™™™™™#Response status ™™ ‚extent of disorder™™™Treatment™#Favorable™#™(™- Unfavorable™2™7™