first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 3 Model adjusts for variables affecting exposure 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Model Information Data Set WORK.WID Distribution Binomial Link Function Logit Dependent Variable GTS Observations Used 4049 Class Level Information Class Levels Values SITEID 37 1008 1009 1010 1012 1015 1025 1034 1035 1040 1044 1045 1050 1066 1074 1076 1078 1082 1109 2006 2008 2011 2012 2013 2015 2027 2028 2033 2040 2041 2045 2047 2052 2054 2058 2060 2063 2999 NEWPID 182 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 91 92 ... Response Profile Ordered Total Value GTS Frequency 1 1 65 2 0 3984 PROC GENMOD is modeling the probability that GTS='1'. Parameter Information Parameter Effect Prm1 Intercept Prm2 prime Prm3 prbarn Prm4 othbarn Prm5 lowexp first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 4 Model adjusts for variables affecting exposure 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Criterion DF Value Value/DF Deviance 4044 616.1065 0.1524 Scaled Deviance 4044 616.1065 0.1524 Pearson Chi-Square 4044 4007.9761 0.9911 Scaled Pearson X2 4044 4007.9761 0.9911 Log Likelihood -308.0532 Algorithm converged. Analysis Of Initial Parameter Estimates Standard Wald 95% Chi- Parameter DF Estimate Error Confidence Limits Square Pr > ChiSq Intercept 1 -4.9172 0.3534 -5.6097 -4.2246 193.64 <.0001 prime 1 1.4699 0.3216 0.8395 2.1003 20.88 <.0001 prbarn 1 0.7017 0.3342 0.0467 1.3567 4.41 0.0358 othbarn 1 -1.2771 0.5571 -2.3691 -0.1851 5.25 0.0219 lowexp 1 0.6295 0.3249 -0.0073 1.2664 3.75 0.0527 Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. GEE Model Information Log Odds Ratio Structure Subcluster: 1-Nested Subject Effect SITEID (37 levels) Number of Clusters 37 Correlation Matrix Dimension 208 Maximum Cluster Size 208 Minimum Cluster Size 20 Log Odds Ratio Parameter Information Parameter Group Alpha1 Within subcluster Alpha2 Between subclusters Algorithm converged. first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 5 Model adjusts for variables affecting exposure 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates Empirical Standard Error Estimates Standard 95% Confidence Parameter Estimate Error Limits Z Pr > |Z| Intercept -4.8764 0.3762 -5.6138 -4.1390 -12.96 <.0001 prime 1.4483 0.3630 0.7367 2.1598 3.99 <.0001 prbarn 0.6249 0.4617 -0.2800 1.5299 1.35 0.1759 othbarn -1.2127 0.7923 -2.7656 0.3402 -1.53 0.1259 lowexp 0.5250 0.4500 -0.3570 1.4070 1.17 0.2433 Alpha1 0.9079 0.3007 0.3185 1.4973 3.02 0.0025 Alpha2 0.3837 0.2901 -0.1848 0.9522 1.32 0.1859 parameter estimates and empirical SEs for ALR-model A 6 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 Obs Parm Estimate Stderr Z ProbZ ORest Uodds Lodds 1 Intercept -4.8764 0.3762 -12.96 <.0001 0.00762 0.00365 0.01594 2 prime 1.4483 0.3630 3.99 <.0001 4.25574 2.08910 8.66946 3 prbarn 0.6249 0.4617 1.35 0.1759 1.86807 0.75575 4.61755 4 othbarn -1.2127 0.7923 -1.53 0.1259 0.29739 0.06294 1.40523 5 lowexp 0.5250 0.4500 1.17 0.2433 1.69050 0.69979 4.08379 6 Alpha1 0.9079 0.3007 3.02 0.0025 2.47911 1.37502 4.46977 7 Alpha2 0.3837 0.2901 1.32 0.1859 1.46772 0.83128 2.59144 first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 7 Model B: adjusts for exposure and adsorption variables 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Model Information Data Set WORK.WID Distribution Binomial Link Function Logit Dependent Variable GTS Observations Used 4049 Class Level Information Class Levels Values SITEID 37 1008 1009 1010 1012 1015 1025 1034 1035 1040 1044 1045 1050 1066 1074 1076 1078 1082 1109 2006 2008 2011 2012 2013 2015 2027 2028 2033 2040 2041 2045 2047 2052 2054 2058 2060 2063 2999 NEWPID 182 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 91 92 ... Response Profile Ordered Total Value GTS Frequency 1 1 65 2 0 3984 PROC GENMOD is modeling the probability that GTS='1'. Parameter Information Parameter Effect Prm1 Intercept Prm2 prime Prm3 prbarn Prm4 othbarn Prm5 lowexp Prm6 workwet Prm7 temp80 Prm8 TOBUSER first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 8 Model B: adjusts for exposure and adsorption variables 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Criterion DF Value Value/DF Deviance 4041 598.0982 0.1480 Scaled Deviance 4041 598.0982 0.1480 Pearson Chi-Square 4041 3432.7530 0.8495 Scaled Pearson X2 4041 3432.7530 0.8495 Log Likelihood -299.0491 Algorithm converged. Analysis Of Initial Parameter Estimates Standard Wald 95% Chi- Parameter DF Estimate Error Confidence Limits Square Pr > ChiSq Intercept 1 -5.8725 0.5446 -6.9398 -4.8051 116.29 <.0001 prime 1 1.3515 0.3249 0.7146 1.9884 17.30 <.0001 prbarn 1 0.6103 0.3370 -0.0501 1.2707 3.28 0.0701 othbarn 1 -0.8890 0.5719 -2.0099 0.2320 2.42 0.1201 lowexp 1 0.6706 0.3275 0.0287 1.3126 4.19 0.0406 workwet 1 0.9134 0.3239 0.2786 1.5482 7.95 0.0048 temp80 1 0.3895 0.2182 -0.0382 0.8173 3.19 0.0743 TOBUSER 1 -0.6184 0.2883 -1.1835 -0.0533 4.60 0.0320 Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. GEE Model Information Log Odds Ratio Structure Subcluster: 1-Nested Subject Effect SITEID (37 levels) Number of Clusters 37 Correlation Matrix Dimension 208 Maximum Cluster Size 208 Minimum Cluster Size 20 Log Odds Ratio Parameter Information Parameter Group Alpha1 Within subcluster Alpha2 Between subclusters first OR is within persons, 2nd OR is between persons 9 Model B: adjusts for exposure and adsorption variables 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 The GENMOD Procedure Algorithm converged. Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates Empirical Standard Error Estimates Standard 95% Confidence Parameter Estimate Error Limits Z Pr > |Z| Intercept -5.9040 0.5621 -7.0057 -4.8023 -10.50 <.0001 prime 1.2744 0.3505 0.5874 1.9614 3.64 0.0003 prbarn 0.4441 0.4251 -0.3890 1.2772 1.04 0.2961 othbarn -0.8498 0.8151 -2.4473 0.7478 -1.04 0.2972 lowexp 0.5655 0.4436 -0.3040 1.4350 1.27 0.2024 workwet 0.8954 0.3745 0.1613 1.6294 2.39 0.0168 temp80 0.4367 0.2019 0.0410 0.8325 2.16 0.0305 TOBUSER -0.4274 0.2885 -0.9929 0.1381 -1.48 0.1385 Alpha1 0.7582 0.3026 0.1651 1.3514 2.51 0.0122 Alpha2 0.3467 0.2350 -0.1139 0.8073 1.48 0.1402 parameter estimates and empirical SEs for ALR-model B 10 14:58 Monday, June 10, 2002 Obs Parm Estimate Stderr Z ProbZ ORest Uodds Lodds 1 Intercept -5.9040 0.5621 -10.50 <.0001 0.00273 0.00091 0.00821 2 prime 1.2744 0.3505 3.64 0.0003 3.57660 1.79932 7.10941 3 prbarn 0.4441 0.4251 1.04 0.2961 1.55909 0.67773 3.58661 4 othbarn -0.8498 0.8151 -1.04 0.2972 0.42751 0.08653 2.11229 5 lowexp 0.5655 0.4436 1.27 0.2024 1.76030 0.73785 4.19959 6 workwet 0.8954 0.3745 2.39 0.0168 2.44824 1.17503 5.10104 7 temp80 0.4367 0.2019 2.16 0.0305 1.54763 1.04184 2.29897 8 TOBUSER -0.4274 0.2885 -1.48 0.1385 0.65223 0.37052 1.14812 9 Alpha1 0.7582 0.3026 2.51 0.0122 2.13447 1.17947 3.86272 10 Alpha2 0.3467 0.2350 1.48 0.1402 1.41433 0.89232 2.24174