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CISIZE computes exact target probabilities of interest (including power) for any scalar parameter in a General Linear Multivariate Model with Gaussian errors and fixed predictors.  This software, consisting of a single SAS IML module, focuses on sample size computations for studies aimed at estimating a confidence interval.  The theory and methods are detailed in article 74.

This software, consisting of a set of SAS IML ® modules, computes two estimates of reliability:  intraclass correlation and Cronbach's alpha.  Under the assumption of Gaussian, homogenous data with *any* covariance structure, the software gives excellent approximate confidence intervals.  The exact results for the special case of compound symmetry are also available.  The theory and methods are detailed in article 76.

This software, consisting of a set of SAS IML ® modules, performs power analyses for the General Linear Multivariate Model (GLMM).  It allows the creation of confidence intervals around power values that reflect the uncertainty due to using estimates of variances and/or means.  The theory and methods are detailed in article 31.  Also see articles 33, 37, 42, and 45.

LINMOD (LINear MODels) performs a wide variety of General Linear Multivariate Model (GLMM) computations in SAS IML ® . This software is especially useful for repeated measures, complex designs, and teaching.  See books 01 and 02.

MISSMOD generalizes LINMOD (above) by allowing missing data. For more information, see article 57.

This set of SAS ® modules computes the confluent hypergeometric function M(a,b,x) by five different methods. For details, see article 61.


My research centers on developing more efficient designs and methods for selecting sample size in study planning, especially for medical imaging research.  I am principal investigator of a grant concerning "Internal Pilots With Repeated Measures."  The aims are as follows.

  1. Develop better statistical power algorithms for the "univariate approach" to repeated measures Analysis of Variance (UNIREP ANOVA).
  2. Derive the distribution of final sample size in UNIREP ANOVA with internal pilot (IP) designs.
  3. Describe distributions of test statistics in UNIREP ANOVA with IP designs.
  4. Distribute free software to disseminate and popularize the new methods.

Collaboration with medical imaging colleagues in Computer Science, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Neurology, and Psychiatry supports the remainder of my time.  Current applications include computer-generated 3-D drawing of organ outlines for planning cancer therapy, and automatic 3-D drawing in of blood vessels in the brain with automatic dectection of cancer.
Graduate research assistants in biostatistics also collaborate in all of my work.



Muller K.E. and Fetterman B.A. (2002) Regression and ANOVA:  An Integrated Approach Using SAS® Software.  Cary, NC:  SAS Institute (first deliveries were in June, 2002). 


Kleinbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L., Muller, K.E., and Nizam A. (1997) Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods, Third Edition. Boston: Duxbury Press.



Catellier, D.J. and Muller, K.E. (2002) "Sample Size and Power Considerations in Physical Activity Research," Chapter 6, Physical Activity Assessments for Health-Related Research, G .J.Welk, editor, 93-104. Champaign, IL: Health Kinetics. 


Muller, K.E. (1998) "Power of a Hypothesis Test," entry in The Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, P. Armitage and T. Colton, editors. London, England: Wiley UK.


O'Brien, R.G. and Muller K.E. (1993) "A unified approach to statistical power for t-tests to multivariate models," Chapter 8, Applied Analysis of Variance in Behavioral Sciences, p297-344, LK Edwards, editor. New York: Marcel Dekker.


Muller, K.E. (1986) "Design and analytical methods," Chapter 18, Neurobehavioral Toxicology, Z. Annau, editor. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.



Hemminger B.M., Molina P.L., Egan T.M., Detterbeck F.C., Muller K.E., Coffey C.S., and Lee J.K.T. (2005) Assessment of realtime 3D visualization for cardiothoracic diagnostic evaluation and surgery planning, Journal of Digital Imaging, in press.


Rao, M., Stough. J., Chi, Y., Muller, K.E., Tracton, G., Pizer, S. M., Chaney, E.L. (2005) Comparison of human and automatic segmentations of kidnesy from CT images, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 61, 954-960.


Bullitt E, Ewend MG, Aylward S, Lin W, Gerig G, Joshi S, Jung I, Muller K, Smith JK (2004) Abnormal vessel tortuosity as a marker of treatment response of malignant gliomas: Preliminary report. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 3, 577-584.


Bullitt E., Muller K.E., Jung I., Lin W. and Aylward S.R. (2004) Analyzing attributes of vessel populations, Medical Image Analysis, 9, 39-49.


Greven S., Bailer A.J., Kupper, L.L., Muller, K.E. and Craft, J.L. (2004) A parametric model for studying organism fitness using step-stress experiments, Biometrics, 60, 793-799.


Kistner E.O. and Muller K.E. (2004) Exact distributions of intraclass correlation and Cronbach's alpha with Gaussian data and general covariance, Psychometrika, 69(3), 459-474.


Pizer S. M., Chen J.Z., Fletcher P.T., Fridman Y., Fritsch D.S., Gash A.G., Glotzer J.M., Jiroutek M.R., Joshi S., Lu C. Muller K.E., Thall A., Tracton G., Yushkevich P., Chaney E.L. (2003) Deformable m-reps for 3D medical image segmentation, International Journal of Computer Vision, 55(2) 85-106.


Jiroutek M.R., Muller K.E., Kupper L.L., and Stewart P.W. (2003) A new method for choosing sample size for confidence interval based inferences, Biometrics, 59, 580-590.


Coffey CS and Muller KE. (2003) Properties of Internal Pilots with the Univariate Approach to Repeated Measures, Statistics in Medicine, 22, 2469-2485.


Glueck D.H. and Muller K.E. (2003) Adjusting power for a baseline covariate in a linear model, Statistics in Medicine, 22, 2535-2551.


Cole E.B., Pisano E.D., Kistner E.O., Muller K.E., Brown M.E., Feig S.A.,  Jong R.A., Maidment A.D.A., Staiger M.J., Kuzmiak C.M., Freimanis R.I., Lesko N., Rosen E.L.,Walsh R., Williford M., and Braeuning M.P. (2002) Diagnostic accuracy of digital mammography in patients with dense breasts who underwent problem-solving:  effects of image processing and lesion type, Radiology, 226, 153-160.


Rosenthal, M., State, A., Lee, J., Hirota, G., Ackerman, J., Keller, K., Pisano, E., Jiroutek, M., Muller, K., and Fuchs, H. (2002). Augmented Reality Guidance for Needle Biopsies: An Initial Randomized, Controlled Trial in Phantoms. Medical Image Analysis, 6, 313-320.


Phillips B.L., Jiroutek M.R., Tracton G., Elfervig M., Muller K.E., and Chaney E.L. (2002) Thresholds for human detection of patient setup errors in digitally reconstructed portal images of prostate fields, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,Physics, 54, 270-277.


Pisano E.D., Cole E.B., Kistner E.O., Muller K.E., Hemminger B.M., Brown M.L., Johnston R.E., Kuzmiak C.M., Braeuning M.P., Freimanis R.I., Soo M.S., Baker J.A. and Walsh R. (2002) Interpretation of digital mammograms: a comparison of speed and accuracy of softcopy versus printed film display, Radiology, 223, 483-488.


Taylor D. J., Kupper L. L., and Muller K. E. (2002)  Improved approximate confidence intervals for the mean of a lognormal distribution, Statistics in Medicine, 21,1443-1459.


Edwards L. J., Stewart P. W., Muller K. E., and Helms R. W. (2001) Linear equality constrants in the general mixed model, Biometrics, 57,1185-1190. The abstract can be viewed at www.tibs.org


Hemminger, B. M. Zong, S., Muller, K. E., Coffey, C. S., DeLuca, M. C., Johnston, R. E., and Pisano, E. D. (2001) Improving the detection of simulated masses in mammograms through two different image processing techniques, Academic Radiology, 8, 845-855.


Glueck D.H. and Muller K.E. (2001) On the expected values of sequences of functions, Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 30, 363-369.  


Coffey, C. S. and Muller, K. E. (2001) Controlling test size while gaining the benefits of an internal pilot design, Biometrics, 57, 625-631. The abstract can be viewed at www.tibs.org


Bullitt, E., Aylward, S., Smith, K., Mukherji, S., Jiroutek, M., and Muller, K. E. (2001) Symbolic description of intracerebral vessels segmented from MRA and evaluation by comparison with X-ray angiograms, Medical Image Analysis, 5, 157-169.


Muller, K. E. (2001) Computing the confluent hypergeometric function, M(a,b,x), Numerical Mathematics, 90, 179-196. The original publication is available on LINK http://link.springer.de


Coffey, C. S. and Muller, K. E. (2000) Some distributions and their implications for an internal pilot study with a univariate linear model, Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 29, 2677-2691.


Coffey, C. S. and Muller, K. E. (2000) Properties of doubly-truncated Gamma variables, Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 29,851-857.


Pisano, E. D., Cole, E. B., Major, S., Zong, S., Hemminger, B. M., Muller, K. E., Johnston, R. E., Walsh, R., Conant, E., Fajardo, L. L., Feig,  S. A., Nishikawa, R. M., Yaffe, M. J., Williams, M. B., Aylward, S. R., Braeuning, M. P., McLelland, R., Pizer, S. M., Brown, M. E., Rosen,   E., Soo, M. S., Williford, M., Niklason, L. T., Maidment, A. D. A., Vermont, A., Kornguth, P. J., Kopans, D. B., Moore, R. H., Chakraborty, D., Jong, R., Shumak, R., Staiger, M., and Plewes, D. B. (2000) Radiologists' preferences for digital mammographic display, Radiology, 216, 820-830.


Catellier, D. J. and Muller, K. E. (2000) Tests for Gaussian repeated measures with missing data in small samples, Statistics in Medicine, 19, 1101-1114.


Bullitt, E., Liu, A., Aylward, S., Coffey, C. S., Stone, J., Mukherji, S. K., Muller, K. E., and Pizer, S. M. (1999) Registration of 3D cerebral vessels with 2D digital angiograms: clinical evaluation, Academic Radiology, 6(9), 539-546.


Hemminger, B. M., Dillon, A. W., Johnston, R. E., Muller, K. E., Deluca, M. C., Coffey, C. S., and Pisano, E. D. (1999) Effect of display luminance on the feature detection rates of masses in mammograms, Medical Physics, 26(11), 2266-2272.


Boxwala, A. A., Chaney, E. L., Fritsch, D. S., Raghavan, S., Coffey, C. S., Major, S. A., and Muller, K. E. (1999) Comparison of computer workstation with light box for detecting setup errors from portal images, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics, 44, 711-716.


Coffey, C. S. and Muller, K. E. (1999) Exact test size and power of a Gaussian error linear model for an internal pilot study, Statistics in Medicine, 18, 1199-1214.


Glueck, D. H. and Muller, K. E. (1998) On the trace of a Wishart, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 27, 2137-2141.


Pisano, E. D., Zong, S., Hemminger, B. M., Deluca, M., Johnston, R. E., Muller, K., Braeuning, M. P., and Pizer, S. M. (1998) Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization image processing to improve the detection of simulated spiculations in dense mammograms, Journal of Digital Imaging, 11, 193-200.


Selicato, G. R. and Muller, K. E. (1998) Approximating power of the unconditional test for correlated binary pairs, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 27, 553-564.


Muller, K. E. (1998) A new F approximation for the Pillai-Bartlett trace under H0, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 131-137.


Pisano, E. D., Chandramouli, J., Hemminger, B. M., Glueck, D., Johnston, R. E., Muller, K., Braeuning, M. P., Puff, D., Garrett, W., and Pizer, S. (1997) The effect of intensity windowing on the detection of simulated masses embedded in dense portions of digitized mammograms in a laboratory setting, Journal of Digital Imaging, 10, 174-182.


Mukherji, S. K., Schiro, S., Castillo, M., Kwock, L., Muller, K. E., and Blackstock, W. (1997) Proton MR spectroscopy of squamous cell carcinoma of the extracranial head and neck: in vitro and in vivo studies, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 18, 1057-1072.


Pisano, E. D., Chandramouli, J., Hemminger, B. M., Deluca, M., Glueck, D., Johnston, R. E., Muller, K., Braeuning, M. P., and Pizer, S. (1997) Does intensity windowing improve the detection of simulated calcifications in dense mammograms?, The Journal of Digital Imaging, 10, 79-84.


Muller, K. E. and Pasour, V. B. (1997) Bias in linear model power and sample size due to estimating variance, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26, 839-851. Also see (1997) Erratum to Bias in linear model power and sample size due to estimating variance, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26(4), 1811.


Warshauer, D. M., Wehmueller, M. D., Molina, P. L., Muller, K. E., DeLuca, M. C., and Lee, J. K. T. (1997) Hepatic enhancement and metastatic lesion conspicuity on CT scans: influence of intravenous glucagon and oral CT contrast material, Radiology, 202, 394-398.


Muller, K. E. and Chen Mok, M. (1997) The distribution of Cook's D statistic, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26, 525-546.


Taylor, D. J. and Muller, K. E. (1996) Bias in linear model power and sample size calculation due to estimating noncentrality, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 25, 1595-1610.


Beard, D. V., Molina, P. L., Muller, K. E., Denelsbeck, K. M., Hemminger, B. M., Perry, J. R., Braeuning, M. P., Glueck, D. H., Bidgood, W. D., Mauro, M., Semelka, R. C., Willms, A. S., Warshauer, D., and Pisano, E. D. (1995) Interpretation time of serial chest CT examinations with stacked metaphor workstation versus film alternator, Radiology, 197, 753-758.


Hogan, S. L., Muller, K. E., Jennette, J. C., and Falk, R. J. (1995) A review of therapeutic studies on idiopathic membranous glomerulopathy, American Journal of Kidney Disease, 25, 862-875.


DiSantostefano, R. L. and Muller, K. E. (1995) A comparison of power approximations for Satterthwaite's test, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 24, 583-593.


Hemminger, B. M., Johnston, R. E., Rolland, J. P., and Muller, K. E. (1995) Introduction to perceptual linearization of video display systems for medical image presentation, Journal of Digital Imaging, 18, 21-34.


Taylor, D. J. and Muller, K. E. (1995) Computing confidence bounds for power and sample size of the general linear univariate model, American Statistician, 49, 43-47.


Puff, D. T., Pisano, E. D., Muller, K. E., Johnston, R. E., Hemminger, B. M., Burbeck, C. A., McLelland, R., and Pizer, S. M. (1994) A method for determination of optimal image enhancement for the detection of mammographic abnormalities, Journal of Digital Imaging,, 7, 161-171.


Beard, D. V., Hemminger, B. M., Perry, J. R., Mauro, M.A., Muller, K. E., Warshauer, D.M., Smith, M. A., and Zito, A. J. (1993) Interpretation of CT studies: single-screen workstation versus film alternator, Radiology, 187, 565-569.


McDonnell, W. F., Muller, K. E., Bromberg, P. A., and Shy, C. M. (1993) Predictors of individual differences in acute response to ozone exposure, American Review of Respiratory Disease, 147, 818-825.


Dozier, W. G. and Muller, K. E. (1993) Small-sample power of uncorrected and Satterthwaite corrected t tests for comparing binomial proportions, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 22, 245-264.


Rosenman, J., Roe, C. A., Cromartie, R., Muller, K. E., and Pizer, S. M. (1992) Portal film enhancement: technique and clinical utility, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 25, 333-338.


Muller, K. E., LaVange, L. M., Ramey, S. L., and Ramey, C. T. (1992) Power calculations for general linear multivariate models including repeated measures applications, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 1209-1226.


Falk, R. J., Hogan, S. L., Muller, K. E., Jennette, J. C., and the Glomerular Disease Collaborative Network (1992) Treatment of progressive membranous glomerulopathy, Annals of Internal Medicine, 116, 438-445.


Frey, C. M. and Muller, K. E. (1992) Analysis methods for nonlinear models with compound-symmetric covariance, Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 21, 1163-1182.


Muller, K. E. and Benignus, V. A. (1992) Increasing scientific power with statistical power, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 14, 211-219. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science. Visit their website at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/neutera


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., and Malott, C. M. (1990) Dose-effects functions for carboxyhemoglobin and behavior, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 12, 111-118.


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Smith, M. V., Pieper, K. S., and Prah, J. D. (1990) Compensatory tracking in humans with elevated carboxyhemoglobin, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 12, 105-110.


Muller, K. E. and Barton, C. N. (1989) Approximate power for repeated measures ANOVA lacking sphericity, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 549-555. Also see (1991) Correction to Approximate power for repeated-measures ANOVA lacking sphericity, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86, 255-256.


Harbin, T. J., Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., and Barton, C. N. (1988) The effects of low-level carbon monoxide exposure upon evoked cortical potentials in young and elderly men, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 10, 93-100.


Lewis, H. D., Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Malott, C. M., and Barton, C. N. (1987) Babble and random-noise masking of speech in high and low context cue conditions, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 31, 108-114.


Benignus, V. A., Kafer, E. R., Muller, K. E., and Case, M. W. (1987) Absence of symptoms with carboxyhemoglobin of 16-23%, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 9, 345-348.


Muller, K. E. and Barton, C. N. (1987) A nonlinear version of the Coburn, Forster, and Kane model of blood carboxyhemoglobin, Atmospheric Environment, 21, 1963-1967.


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Barton, C. N., and Prah, J. D. (1987) Effect of low level carbon monoxide on compensatory tracking and event monitoring, Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, 9, 227-234.


Muller, K. E., Barton, C. N., and Benignus, V. A. (1984) Recommendations for appropriate statistical practice in toxicologic experiments, Neurotoxicology, 5, 113-126.


Muller, K. E. and Peterson, B. L. (1984) Practical methods for computing power in testing the multivariate general linear hypothesis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2, 143-158.


Dyer, R. S., Muller, K. E., Janssen, R., Barton, C. N., Boyes, W. K., and Benignus, V. A. (1984) Neurophysiological effects of 30 day chronic exposure to toluene in rats, Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, 6, 363-368.


Muller, K. E., Barton, C. N., and Benignus, V. A. (1984) Estimating equivalent dose functions for alternate routes of exposure, Mathematical Biosciences, 69, 87-101. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science. Visit their website at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/mathbio


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Barton, C. N., and Bittikofer, J. A. (1984) Toluene blood level following subcutaneous injection of toluene in the rat, Environmental Research, 33, 441-453.


Otto, D., Benignus, V., Muller, K., Barton, C., Seiple, K., Prah, J., and Schroeder, S. (1983) Effects of low to moderate lead exposure on slow cortical potentials in young children: two year follow-up study, Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, 4, 733-737.


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Graham, J. A., and Barton, C. N. (1984) Toluene levels in blood and brain of rats as a function of toluene level in inspired air, Environmental Research, 33, 39-46.


Muller, K. E., Otto, D. A., and Benignus, V. A. (1983) Design and analysis issues and strategies in psychophysiological research, Psychophysiology, 20, 212-218.


Benignus, V. A. and Muller, K. E. (1982) Information flow in the brain: computer requirements (a tutorial), Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation, 14, 294-299.


Muller, K. E. (1982) Understanding canonical correlation through the general linear model and principal components, American Statistician, 36, 342-354.


Wardrop, J. L., Anderson, T. H., Hively, W., Hastings, C. N., Anderson, R. I., and Muller, K. E. (1982) A framework for analyzing the inference structure of educational achievement tests, Journal of Educational Measurement, 1982, 19, 1-18.


Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., Barton, C. N., and Bittikofer, J.A. (1981) Toluene levels in blood and brain of rats during and after respiratory exposure, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 61, 326-334.


Muller, K. E., Christiansen, D. H., and Smith, J. (1981) Guidelines for managing datasets, programs, and printouts in scientific research, Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 13, 281-288.


Benignus, V. A., Otto, D. A., Muller, K. E., and Seiple, K. J. (1981) Effects of age and body lead burden on CNS function in young children: II. EEG spectra, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 52, 240-248. With previous paper won second place, Health Effects category, 1982 EPA Scientific and Technology Achievement Award.


Otto, D. A., Benignus, V. A., Muller, K. E., and Barton, C. N. (1981) Effects of age and body lead burden on CNS function in young children: I. Slow cortical potentials, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 52, 229-239.


Muller, K. E. (1981) Relationships between redundancy analysis, canonical correlation, and multivariate regression, Psychometrika, 46, 139-142.


Chaney, S., Blomquist, W., DeWitt, P., and Muller, K. (1981) Biochemical changes in humans upon exposure to NO2 while at rest, Archives of Environmental Health, 36, 53-58.


Chaney, S., Blomquist, W., Muller, K., and DeWitt, P. (1980) Biochemical effects of sulfuric acid mist inhalation by human subjects while at rest, Archives of Environmental Health, 35, 270-275.


Chaney, S., Blomquist, W., Muller, K., and Goldstein, G. (1980) Biochemical changes in humans upon exposure to sulfuric acid aerosol and exercise, Archives of Environmental Health, 35, 211-216.



Bullitt E, Jung I, Muller K, Gerig G, Aylward S, Joshi S, Smith K, Ewend M (2004) Determining malignancy of brain tumors by analysis of vessel shape. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3217:645-653.


Rosenthal M.R., State A., Lee J., Hirota G., Ackerman J., Keller K., Pisano E.D., Jiroutek M.R., Muller K.E., and Fuchs H. (2001) Augmented reality guidance for needle biopsies: a randomized, controlled trial in phantoms.  Proceedings of MICCAI 2001, eds. W. Niessen and M.Viergever.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2208, 240-248, New York: Springer-Verlag.

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