SUBROUTINE GETSPEC2(LBL,B,NDIMB) C C To read parameter labels and initial estimates C CHARACTER LBL(NDIMB)*16 REAL*8 B(NDIMB) READ(7,'(A,F10.0)',ERR=51,END=51) (LBL(I),B(I),I=1,NDIMB) WRITE(9,'(/A,T41,A,F15.4,10(/A,F15.4,T41,A,F15.4))') * ' Parameter labels and initial estimates',(LBL(I),B(I),I=1,NDIMB) RETURN C 51 WRITE(*,'(2A/2A/A)') ' PROGRAM TERMINATED: Control file was not ', * 'created correctly. There is a',' data read error or the ', * 'end-of-file is read when not expected. Check the', * ' parameter labels and initial estimates.' WRITE(9,'(2A/2A/A)') ' PROGRAM TERMINATED: Control file was not ', * 'created correctly. There is a data',' read error or the ', * 'end-of-file is read when not expected. Check the parameter', * ' labels and initial estimates.' STOP END