Analysis of 2x3 Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories

Anastasia Ivanova Vance Berger
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill National Cancer Institute


Within the context of comparative Phase III randomized clinical trials, many efficacy endpoints are measured on an ordinal scale.  That is, the data consist of a set of categories, and there is a natural ordering among these categories.  The relative spacings among the categories, however, are not known. Consider a 2´3 contingency table with two treatment groups and three ordered outcome levels.

  Antiemetic response data after 2 days (Fox et al., 1993).


Level of response







X1 =  12

X2 = 3

X3 =  7

N1 = 22


Y1 =   3

Y2 =  7

Y3 = 12

N2 = 22


T1 =   15

T2 =  10

T3 =   19

N =  44



The goal of a between-group analysis of an ordered categorical endpoint is to establish that one treatment tends to be associated with preferable outcomes compared to the other treatment.  Consider permutation tests since they preserve the size of the test.  The most common analysis for a 2´3 contingency table is a linear rank test, for which numerical scores are assigned to the three response levels.  Without loss of generality the scores can be chosen as (0, v, 1), usually with 0 £ v £ 1.  For example, if equally spaced scores are desired, then v = 0.5.  If v = 0 or v = 1, then the test becomes a binomial test, as categories are combined for analysis.  However, the choice of scores might have a profound influence on the p-value, and on the interpretation of the results.


We have developed several new tests for this problem.  The software written in Splus implements six test that can be used to compare groups with ordered categorical response: