1) Description: f.m is a matlab funtion for generating MCMC samples. Arguments in function f.m: datafile a data matrix, containing the variables in the model, including the parent information for RIX individuals. data format: 1st column: sample ID 2nd column: trait value 3rd and 4th columns: parental RI lines rest of columns: genotype data drop Number of steps dropped from the chain to allow for a burn-in phase delta An optional delta value used in the prior distributions of variance parameters, as described in ter.Braak (2005). thin Thinning facor. hmax Number of MCMC steps, i.e. length of the Markov chain. Value a) a 2*num.marker matrix of posterior means of all markers. The odd rows are for additive effects, and the even rows are for dominance effects. b) two figures, one for the additive effect and another one for the dominance effect. In each figure, x-axis refers the marker positions (if marker positions are given) or marker numbers (if marker positions are not given); and y-axis refers the posterior means. 2) example matlab codes: %% load data file, which is datamarker50.txt in this example load datamarker50.txt %% call function f.m f(datamarker50)