Exact Boundary Crossing Probability, version 1.1 (c) Bahjat Qaqish, 2003 The distribution of all possible outcomes (events/subjects): Events Subjects Boundary Probability 3 3 upper 0.008 3 4 upper 0.0192 4 6 upper 0.006144 5 8 upper 0.00262144 5 9 upper 0.006160384 0 10 right 0.1073741824 1 10 right 0.268435456 2 10 right 0.301989888 3 10 right 0.1946157056 4 10 right 0.0750780416 5 10 right 0.0103809024 P(event) = 0.2 Maximum sample size = 10 P(Hitting the lower boundary) = 0 P(Hitting the upper boundary) = 0.0421258 P(Hitting the right boundary) = 0.957874 E[#events/#subjects] = 0.212405 S[#events/#subjects] = 0.161949 E[#events] = 1.95856 S[#events] = 1.1897 E[#subjects] = 9.79282 S[#subjects] = 1.07481 E[] denotes the mean, S[] denotes the standard deviation Program: cp3 CPU time: 0 milliseconds Real time: 0 seconds Date and time: Mon Feb 14 14:51:53 2005