Extended Generalized Estimating Equations (v0.5) for Correlated Binary Data (c) Bahjat Qaqish, 1989, 1990, 1991 Date: 10/05/92 Time: 13:54:37 -- ECG data / crossover design -- -- compare EEG1 and EEG2 -- Data file: ECG04 DATA dim(x): 3 dim(b): 4 # classes 1 max #iter: 50 tolerance: 0.0001000000000 # clusters: 67 cluster size #clusters 2 67 The model: 1 : B1 X1 B2 X2 B3 X3 1.1 : B4 X1 Method of computing 3rd and 4th order moments: The exact method. -- GEE2 -- Converged after 3 iterations. Method of computing 3rd and 4th order moments: The exact method. -- GEE2 -- Estimates: Beta: Estimate Robust s.e. Naive s.e. Robust z 1 %GM -1.28514 0.36737 0.37941 -3.49821 2 Treatment 0.55868 0.23652 0.23792 2.36204 3 Sequence 0.41650 0.47576 0.47678 0.87544 4 LogOR:1 3.35596 0.82424 0.82338 4.07159 (Lower = Correlation, Upper = Variance) Robust Correlation Variance Matrix Estimate: ( 1) 0.13496 -0.03119 -0.11407 -0.00065 ( 2) -0.35892 0.05594 -0.00572 0.00042 ( 3) -0.65262 -0.05081 0.22635 0.00073 ( 4) -0.00215 0.00215 0.00187 0.67937 Naive Correlation Variance Matrix Estimate: ( 1) 0.14395 -0.03729 -0.12147 0.00000 ( 2) -0.41305 0.05661 0.00316 -0.00000 ( 3) -0.67151 0.02784 0.22732 -0.00000 ( 4) 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00000 0.67795 Date: 10/05/92 Time: 13:54:41 CPU time: 0.422 seconds = 0.007 minutes.