Yi-Hui Zhou   (周已会)


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4221 Broughton Hall
Campus Box 7566

North Carolina State University



My website has moved to http://www4.ncsu.edu/~yzhou19/




 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

PhD, Biostatistics


 University of Maryland, Baltimore County

MS, Applied Mathematics


Research interests

Statistical Genetics

Multiple testing

High Dimensional Data Analysis


Academic Appointments:

2014- now       Research Assistant Professor   North Carolina State University

2013- 2014      Research Scholar                      North Carolina State University  

2011-2013       Postdoc Research Associate     University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill



Key publications


Zhou, Y.H., Wright, F.A. (2015) “The projack: a resampling approach to correct for ranking bias in high throughput studies.” Biostatistics doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxv022


Zhou, Y.H., Wright, F.A. (2015) “Hypothesis testing at the extremes: fast and robust association for high-throughput data.” Biostatistics doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxv007



Zhou, Y.H., Marron, J.S. (2015) “High dimension low sample size asymptotics of robust PCA.” Electronic Journal of Statistics 9, 204-218


Zhou, Y.H., Barry, W.B., Wright, F.A. (2013). "Permutation-based expression pathway analysis, without permutation."    An earlier version won an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award. Biostatistics (2013), 14 (3) 573-585


Zhou, Y.H., Mayhew, G., Sun, Z., Xu, X., Zou, F., Wright, F.A. (2013) “Space –time clustering and the permutation moments of quadratic forms.” Stat 2 (1) 292-302


Zhou, Y.H.,     Xia, K.,    Wright, F.A. (2011). " A Powerful and Flexible Approach to the Analysis of RNA Sequence Count Data." Bioinformatics: 27 (19) 2672-2678.



Zhou, Y.H.,    Gowda, M.S. (2009). "On the finiteness of the cone spectrum of certain linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras."  Linear Algebra and its Applications: 431 (5-7) 772-782.


GTEx Consortium “The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) pilot analysis: Multitissue gene regulation in humans.” Sciences 348: 648-660


Demerath, E.W., Guan, W., Grove, M., Aslibekyan, S., Mendelson, M., Zhou, Y.H., Hed-

man, A.K., Sandling, J.K., Li, L. , Irvin, M.R., Zhi, D., Deloukas, P., Liang, L., Liu, C.,

Bressler, J., Spector, T.D., North, K., Li, Y., Absher, D.M., Levy, D., Arnett, D.K., For-

nage, M., Pankow, J.S., Boerwinkle, E. (2015) Epigenome-wide association study (EWAS)

of BMI, BMI change, and waist circumference in African American adults identi_es multiple

replicated loci.  Human Molecular Genetics 2015 May 1. pii: ddv161



O’Neal, W.K., Gallins, P., Wolf, W.E., Jones, L.C., Guo, X., Zhou, Y.H., Madar, V., Huang, J. Liang, L., Moffatt, M.F., Cutting, G.R., Drumm, M.L., Rommens, J.M., Strug, L.J., Sun, W., Stonebraker, J.R., Wright, F.A., Knowles, M.R. (2015) “Gene Expression in Transformed Lymphocytes Reveals Variation in Endomembrane and HLA Pathways Modifying Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Phenotypes.” The American Journal of Human Genetics 96(2), 318-328


Esther, C.R., Zhou, Y.H., Wright, F.A., Boucher, R.C. (2015) Metabolomic Evaluation Of Cystic Fibrosis Airways Disease.” Am J Respir Crit Care Med 187 A1165



Abdo, N., Xia, M., Brown, C.C., Kosyk, O., Huang, R., Sakamuru, S.,  Zhou, Y.H., Jack, J.R., Gallins, P., Xia, K., Li, Y., Chiu, W.A., Motsinger-Reif A.A., Austin, C.P., Tice, R.R., Rusyn, I., Wright, F.A. (2014)  Population-based in vitro hazard and concentration-response assessment of chemicals: the 1000 genomes high-throughput screening study.” Environmental Health Perspectives   123(5):458-66



Chiu, W.A., Campbell, J.L., Clewell, H.J., Zhou, Y.H., Wright, F.A. Guyton, K.Z., Rusyn, I. (2014)  Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling of interstrain variability in trichloroethylene metabolism in the mouse.” Environmental Health Perspectives 122 (5) 456


Sanders, A.P., Smeester, L., Rojas, D., DeBussycher, T., Wu, M.C., Wright, F.A., Zhou, Y.H., Laine, J.E., Rager, J.E., Swamy, G.K., Koch, A.A., Miranda, M.L., Fry, R.C. (2013) “Cadmium exposure and the epigenome: Exposure-associated patterns of DNA methylation in leukocytes from mother-baby pairs.” Epigenetics 9 (2) 0-9


Wright, F.A., Sullivan, P.F., Brooks, A.I., Zou, F., Su, W., Xia, K., Madar, V., Jansen, R., Chung, W., Zhou, Y.H., et al.  (2014) “Heritability and genomics of gene expression in peripheral blood.” Nature Genetics 46 (5) 430-437


Sun, Z., Oey, L., Zhou, Y.H. (2013) “Skill-assessments of statistical and Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimulative analyses using surface and deep observations in Gulf of Mexico.” Frontiers of Earth Science 7 (3) 271-281


Xu, M., Xu, X., Zhou, Y.H. (2013). “Stochastic comparisons in a price-quantity setting

firm with uncertainty demand and emergency procurement.” Journal of Systems Science

and Systems Engineering, 22 (4), 401-420.


Li, Y., Chen, W., Liu, Y.E., Zhou, Y.H. (2012). Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection and genotype calling from massively parallel sequencing (MPS) data. Statistics in Biosciences, DOI 10/1007/s12561-012-9067-4.


 Lock, E.F., Abdo, N., Huang, R., Xia, M., Kosyk, O., Oshea, S.H., Zhou, Y.H., Sedykh, A., Tropsha, A., Austin, C.P., Tice, R.R., Wright, F.A., Rusyn, I. (2012). "Quantitative high-throughput screening for chemical toxicity in a population based in vitro model." Toxicological Sciences 126 (2): 578-588.


Xia, K., Shabalin, A.A., Huang, S., Madar, V., Zhou, Y.H., Wang, W., Zou, F., Sun, W., Sullivan, P.F., Wright, F.A.(2012) "seeQTL

  a searchable database for human eQTLs." Bioinformatics 28(3), 451-452.



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