FGH_gene_snps.csv - is a Jeremy's table of SNPs per gene region: 1. expr - expressed: yes = 1, no = 0 2. add - additive strain effect in this cross: yes = 1, no =0 3. pval - additive strain effect p-value 4. ase - possible to test for ASE in this gene in this cross: yes = 1, no =0 5. evidence of ASE with direction consistent to TReC: yes = 1, no =0 files: FG_A_non_listed_genes.csv FH_A_non_listed_genes.csv GH_A_non_listed_genes.csv contains genes that were expressed in our data, but not found in Jeremy's file prop_additive.pdf - proportion of genes with significant additive effect to number of expressed genes for this cross within a moving windows number of snps [n,n+10) pval_additive.pdf - mean(-log10(pval)) for expressed genes falling in a moving window [n,n+10) prop_expr.pdf - proportion of expressed genes to total number of genes within a moving window for the number of snps [n,n+10) left side for these plots is for a blue line - it gives a scale for proportion (or p-value) and right side is for the black line - it gives a scale for number of expressed genes (number of genes for prop_expr.pdf) for the cases when there is < 100 reads for the black graph, the area is shaded another 3 files like this with _cons_ in them - the same, only for genes with additive effect consistent between total read counts and allele specific counts