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Karahi Gosht (Mutton

Book Review

Original Author: Sharique Niazi
More About : karahi gosht
Ingredients Required / Quantity:
Mutton 1 kg - small cubes
Tomatoes 400 gms- chopped
Garlic 1 tblsp- crushed
Ginger 2 tblsp-crushed
Green Chilles 6-8 slit
Salt to taste
Dhaniya Powder 2 tsp
Red Chilly Powder 1 tsp
Turmeric 1/2 tsp
GaramMasala Powder 1 tsp
Blackpepper 3 or 4
Oil 200 gms

Method to cook:
Heat half the oil.
Put tadka with black pepper.
Add the Meat + Salt + Ginger + Garlic and Fry for 10 minutes.
Add all the remaining masala + 1 glass water and pressure cook for 5 minutes until meat is tender.
When meat is cooked,their should be about 2 cups gravy.
Separately heat remaining oil in a deep Karahi.
Add tomatoes.Fry till tender.
Add green chilles + salt and fry for few minutes.
Now add cooked meat and fry on low heat for 10 minutes, till the oil separates from gravy.

Serving Tip :
Serve hot in a karahi topped with chopped ginger, green chilles, corriander leaves and lemon juice.
Published: February 20, 2006
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More About : karahi gosht
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