spice mixture: 4 (big) red chilies - color and flavor 1 stick cinnamon 6-8 cloves 1-2 cardamom .5 tsp kumin seeds .5 tsp mustard seeds .25 tsp black papper 6-7 garlic cloves 1-2 oz ginger .25 cup vinegar .5 tsp sugar .5-1 cup feni (fenny) - Goan liquor made from either coconut or the juice of the cashew apple and fenny (or coconat milk or cooking wine) soak ingredients for >30 minutes and make a paste of it note: obviously for me it is more practical to replace most of the ingredients with already crushed ~ 2 pounds, lamb - cut into about 1 inch pieces (with some fat on it) add a bit solt some green papaya paste - to tenderize, use it only if the meat is not tender leave for an hour add chily paste and leave for 3-4 hours 2 tbsp oil, medium heat, add meat cook for 5 minutes add 1 small onion (looks as about 1 cup of cuts), finelly (well, not too finely really) chopped add the leftover souce cover and let it cook for 30-40 minutes at low (add water if needed)