Fizzy, Fermented Salsa Makes 1 quart What You Need Ingredients 1 pound cherry tomatoes, chopped in half 1/2 cup green onions, finely chopped (about 3) 3 tablespoons cilantro stems, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/2 tablespoon coarse non-iodized salt 2 tablespoons lime juice (from 1 lime) 1 green or orange pepper, 1 half finely chopped, 1 half reserved for "seat-belting" 1 tablespoon honey 1 to 2 chipotles in adobo sauce pulverized in a blender (optional) 2 tablespoons whey (see Recipe Notes) Filtered water Equipment A large bowl 1-quart (non-wide-mouth) Mason jar with lid Small plate Clean dish towel Instructions Clean the Mason jar: Clean the Mason jar well, making certain to rinse away all soap residue. Combine ingredients: Add all the ingredients — except for the half pepper, water, and whey — in a large bowl and mix well to incorporate. Add ingredients to Mason jar: Transfer the ingredients from the large bowl into the Mason jar. It's OK to push them down; they're tougher than you think. Only fill until ingredients just reach the neck when packed tightly. If your tomatoes are small, your level may be a little low, which is just fine. Add the whey: Add the whey to the Mason jar. Pour it slowly, as it may take some time to settle. Add water: Slowly fill the jar with water until it reaches the neck. "Seat-belt" the salsa: Trim the pepper half until it's slightly larger than the opening of the jar. Gently wedge it into place, making sure the pepper (and all the salsa below) is trapped under the shoulders of the jar. Gently top with water until everything is submerged. Prepare salsa for fermenting: Wipe the outside of the jar and place on a plate; place the clean dishtowel on top to prevent flies or dust from entering. Store out of direct sunlight and check daily. Transfer to fridge: Once the salsa has reached the desired level of fermentation, seal with lid and transfer to the fridge. Store for 3 to 6 months.