At this stage we need 2 files created at earlier stages:
z-score.matrix.Rdata | — | R data file with the big matrix of z-scores |
df.txt | — | text file with tissue names and the number of degrees of freedom for each tissue |
The code below estimates the model parameters and records the whole sequence of intermediate estimates in the variable paralist
and save it in the 1 file:
paralist.Rdata | — | R data file with the sequence of parameter estimates from EM algorithm |
### Set estimation parameters
maxIterations = 100;
### Load big matrix of z-scores
### Initialize parameters
param = list();
### K - the number of tissues
K = ncol(big.matrix);
### Delta - null covariance matrix across tissues
param$Delta = matrix(0.05, K, K);
diag(param$Delta) = 1;
### Sigma - signal covariance matrix across tissues
param$Sigma = matrix(3, K, K) + diag(K);
### P - the vector of probabilities
param$P = rep(1/2^K, 2^K);
### Psubs - the vector of active eQTLs
### for each element of P
Psubs = vector('list',2^K);
for( i in 1:2^K) {
Psubs[[i]] = as.double(((i-1) %% b)>=a);
param$Psubs = Psubs;
### loglik - the initial likelihood
param$loglik = -Inf;
### The function does a single iteration of the estimation procedure
DoIteration = function(big.matrix, param) {
### extract current model parameters
K = ncol(big.matrix);
m = nrow(big.matrix);
Delta = param$Delta;
Sigma = param$Sigma;
P = param$P;
Psubs = param$Psubs;
### The function for matrix power
mat.power = function(mat,pow) {
e = eigen(mat);
V = e$vectors;
return( V %*% diag(e$values^pow) %*% t(V) );
### Start the timer
tic = proc.time();
### variables to accumulate
### loglik - likelihood
### newP - marginal probabilities
### newDelta - the new Delta matrix
### newSigmaPlusDelta - Delta+Sigma
cum.loglik = 0;
cum.newP = 0;
cum.newDelta = 0;
cum.newSigmaPlusDelta = 0;
### Do calculations in slices of 10000 gene-SNP pairs
step1 = 1e5L;
for( j in 1:ceiling(m/step1)) {
fr = step1*(j-1)+1;
to = min(step1*j,m);
X = big.matrix[fr:to, , drop=FALSE];
### likelihood for the slice
prob = matrix(0, nrow(X), length(P));
for( i in 1:length(Psubs)) {
sigma_star = Delta + Sigma * tcrossprod(Psubs[[i]]);
sigma_hfiv = mat.power(sigma_star,-0.5);
sigma_dethfiv = (det(sigma_star))^(-0.5);
w = (1/(2*pi)^(K/2)) * (P[i]*sigma_dethfiv);
prob[,i] = exp(log(w) - colSums(tcrossprod(sigma_hfiv/sqrt(2),X)^2) ) ;
cum.loglik = cum.loglik + sum(log(rowSums(prob)));
### Normalize probabilities for each gene-SNP pair
### to add up to 1
prob = prob / rowSums(prob);
### new vector of P - tissue specificity probabilities
cum.newP = cum.newP + colSums(prob);
cum.newDelta = cum.newDelta +
cum.newSigmaPlusDelta = cum.newSigmaPlusDelta +
### Calculate Delta from the cumulative sum
Delta = cum.newDelta / cum.newP[1];
### normalize to force the diagonal to 1
Delta = Delta * tcrossprod(sqrt(1 / diag(Delta)));
### Same with Sigma
Sigma = cum.newSigmaPlusDelta / tail(cum.newP,1) - Delta;
e = eigen(Sigma);
if( any(e$values<0) ) {
Sigma = e$vectors %*% diag(pmax(e$values,0)) %*% t(e$vectors);
P = cum.newP / sum(cum.newP);
toc = proc.time();
return(list(Delta = Delta, Sigma = Sigma, P = P,
Psubs = Psubs, loglik = cum.loglik, time = toc-tic));
### The 'paralist' list vector
### will store model estimates at each iteration
paralist = vector('list',maxIterations+1);
paralist[[1]] = param;
### Perform up to 'maxIterations' iteration
for( i in 2:length(paralist) ) {
paralist[[i]] = DoIteration(big.matrix=big.matrix, param=paralist[[i-1]]);
cat(i, '\t', paralist[[i]]$loglik-paralist[[i-1]]$loglik,
'\t', paralist[[i]]$time[3],'\n');
if(paralist[[i]]$loglik < paralist[[i-1]]$loglik)
paralist = paralist[!sapply(paralist, is.null)];
### Save the results
save(list='paralist', file='paralist.Rdata');